
In the past six months he’s gone to Harvard and Berkeley, I think he can get a passport.

You, Carl Hanratty, catch me, Frank W. Abagnale, Jr., if you can. So who is Carl Hanratty? He is an FBI agent assigned to capture Frank W. Abagnale, Jr (Tom Hanks). And Frank W. Abagnale, Jr (Leonardo DiCaprio)…who is he?

He’s the junior to Christopher Walken’s Senior. He’s a student. He’s a substitute French teacher. He’s a co-pilot. He’s a chief of medicine. He’s an assistant prosecutor. He’s a globetrotter. Oh yeah, and he’s a con artist.

Good supporting roles in this film: Ellen Pompeo as a flight attendant named Marci, so cute; Elizabeth Banks as a bank teller, so cute; Jennifer Garner as a model, so beautiful; Amy Adams as a nurse, so unique; Martin Sheen as a prosecutor, so Southern; Robert Peters & Frank John Hughes as FBI agents, so Federal; and James Brolin as a businessman, so sleazy. Together they add up to a wonderful group for Steven Spielberg to direct.

It surprised me to note that I have made no comment on Tam Hanks’ performance. Without “Gumping it up,” or relying on him romantic comedy charm, his character manages to obtain your support, without losing sympathy for Abagnale. Rarely does an actor steal the show, without stealing the scenes he is in. Well done, Mr. Spielberg, well done.